Pak Mun Dam: Perpetually Contested?

TitlePak Mun Dam: Perpetually Contested?
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsForan, Manorom
Secondary AuthorsMolle, Foran, Käkönen
Secondary TitleContested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region
Place PublishedLondon, Sterlin, VA
Key themesEcology and Livelihoods, Hydropower, Impact Assessment, Safeguards

Ever since its approval in 1989, Pak Mun Dam has sparked controversy, linked to resistance networks that have sought to defend, mitigate and restore fi sheries- dependent livelihoods. This chapter provides a history of the Pak Mun Project and summarizes its main features – ecological, engineering and governance. It explores the project’s trajectory in the context of wider changes in Thai state–society relations. We review important debates between proponents and opponents, and unresolved controversies and risks. Finally, we refl ect on the consequences of the dispute over Pak Mun Dam and discuss critical lessons from the case.


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