Hydropower in the Mekong Region: What Are the Likely Impacts upon Fisheries?

TitleHydropower in the Mekong Region: What Are the Likely Impacts upon Fisheries?
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsSarkkula, Keskinen, Kopenen, Kummu, Richey, Varis
Secondary AuthorsMolle, Foran, Käkönen
Secondary TitleContested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region
Place PublishedLondon, Sterlin, VA
Key themesEcology and Livelihoods, Hydropower, Impact Assessment, Transboundary Governance

This chapter seeks to synthesize what is known about the magnitude and nature of the expected changes – particularly as a consequence of dam-building – to flow regimes, and their consequent potential impacts upon fish, fisheries and livelihoods. Related to this, the chapter discusses the challenges connected to models and impact assessments, as well as the problems in addressing the real value of diverse small-scale use of different water-related resources – most importantly, fish. The geographical focus of the chapter is on the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia that is one of the most productive freshwater ecosystems in the world.


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Cambodia, Regional

Document Type

Book Chapter

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