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Johnston, McCartney, Liu, Ketelsen, Taylor, Vinh, Gyi, Aung, Gyi.  2017.  State of Knowledge: River Health in the Salween. State of Knowledge Series 6, WLE Greater Mekong. (July):10p.. (728.39 KB)
Johnston, McCartney, Liu, Ketelsen, Taylor, Vinh, Gyi, Aung, Gyi.  2017.  State of Knowledge: River Health in the Salween. State of Knowledge Series 6, WLE Greater Mekong. (July):10p.. (728.39 KB)
Ketelsen, Taylor, Vinh, Hunter, Johnston, Liu, Tint, Gyi, Charles.  2017.  State of Knowledge: River Health in the Ayeyarwady. State of Knowledge Series 7, WLE Greater Mekong. (July):13p.. (1.37 MB)
Suhardiman, Giordano, Molle.  2012.  Scalar Disconnect: The Logic of Transboundary Water Governance in the Mekong. Society & Natural Resources. 25(6):572-586.
Middleton, Garcia, Foran.  2009.  Old and New Hydropower Players in the Mekong Region: Agendas and Strategies. Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods, and Governance. :23-54. (208.95 KB)
Grumbine, Dore, Xu.  2012.  Mekong Hydropower: Drivers of Change and Governance Challenges. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10(2):91-98.
Suhardiman, Giordano.  2014.  Legal Plurality: An Analysis of Power Interplay in Mekong Hydropower. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104(5):973-988.
Pukinskis, Geheb.  2012.  The Impacts of Dams on the Fisheries of the Mekong. State of Knowledge Series 1, CPWF. (May):9p.. (654.59 KB)
Yu, Geheb.  2017.  Hydropower Environmental Mitigation Measures on the Lancang River. State of Knowledge Series 8, WLE Greater Mekong. (July):12p. (491.15 KB)