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Filters: Key Term is Framing Concepts in Water Governance and Author is Suhardiman, Diana  [Clear All Filters]
Suhardiman, Wichelns, Lebel, Sellamuttu.  2014.  Benefit Sharing in Mekong Region Hydropower: Whose Benefits Count? Water Resources and Rural Development. 4(October):3-11.
Suhardiman, Giordano.  2014.  Legal Plurality: An Analysis of Power Interplay in Mekong Hydropower. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104(5):973-988.
Suhardiman, Lebel, Nicol, Wong.  2017.  Power and Politics in Water Governance: Revisiting the Role of Collective Action in the Commons. Water Governance and Collective Action: Multi-scale Challenges. :9-20(12p).
Suhardiman, Lebel, Nicol, Wong.  2017.  Power and Politics in Water Governance: Revisiting the Role of Collective Action in the Commons. Water Governance and Collective Action: Multi-scale Challenges. :9-20(12p).