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Intralawan, Wood, Frankel.  2017.  Economic Evaluation of Hydropower Projects in the Lower Mekong Basin. Oxfam. (April):4p.. (187.64 KB)
Hecht, Lacombe.  2014.  The Effects of Hydropower Dams on the Hydrology of the Mekong Basin. State of Knowledge Series 5, WLE Greater Mekong. (April):15p.. (516.57 KB)
Carew-Reid.  2014.  Environment Assessment Tools for Improving the Sustainability of Development in the Mekong Region. International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM). :6p.. (632.21 KB)
IR.  2014.  Environmental and Social Impacts of Lancang Dams. International Rivers (IR). :11p.. (970.69 KB)
Nguyen, Biskupska, Mortensen.  2019.  Exploring Gender Dimensions of Water Insecurity and Governance in the Lower Mekong Region. Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). :4p.. (188.29 KB)
Weeratunge, Joffre, Sellamuttu, Bouahom, Keophoxay.  2016.  Gender and Ethnic Dynamics of Household Decision Making in Hydropower-related Resettlement. CGIAR Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE Briefing Series 7). (November):4p.. (1.71 MB)
Weeratunge, Joffre, Sellamuttu, Bouahom, Keophoxay.  2016.  Gender and Household Decision-Making in a Lao Village: Implications for Livelihoods in Hydropower Development. Gender, Place & Culture. 23(11):1599-1614.
Simpson, Simon.  2013.  Gender and Hydropower National Policy Assessment: Cambodia. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (480.24 KB)
Simpson, Simon.  2013.  Gender and Hydropower National Policy Assessment: Lao PDR. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (604.99 KB)
Lan_Shiow_Tsai.  2015.  Gender and Hydropower National Policy Assessment: Myanmar. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (1008.51 KB)
Simpson, Simon.  2013.  Gender and Hydropower National Policy Assessment: Viet Nam. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (920.78 KB)
Resurrección, Nguyen, Taalaibekkyzy.  2017.  Gender and Public Participation in EIAs. Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). :25p.. (1.32 MB)
IUCN, Oxfam.  2018.  Gender and Water Governance in the Mekong Region: Assessment and Opportunities. (June):19p. (1.35 MB)
Grant.  2017.  Gender Equality and Inclusion in Water Resources Management. Global Water Partnership Action Piece. :24p.. (1.19 MB)
Lebel, Lebel, Manorom, Yishu.  2019.  Gender in Development Discourses of Civil Society Organisations and Mekong Hydropower Dams. Water Alternatives. 12(1):192-220. (583.25 KB)
Simpson, Simon.  2013.  Gender Justice in Hydropower Policy and Legislation Review: Synthesis Report. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (963.47 KB)
Grant, Huggett, Willetts.  2016.  Gender & SDG 6: The Critical Connection - A Framing Paper for the High-Level Panel on Water. (November):12p. (1.15 MB)
IFC.  2013.  Good Practice Handbook: Cumulative Impact Assessment and Management, Guidance for the Private Sector in Emerging Markets. :82p.. (1.39 MB)
Boer, Hirsch, Johns, Saul, Scurrah.  2016.  Governing a River Basin: The Work of the Mekong River Commission. The Mekong: A Socio-legal Approach to River Basin Development. :87-113.
ADB.  2016.  Greater Mekong Subregion Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road Map. :28p.. (496.68 KB)
ADB.  2012.  Greater Mekong Subregion Power Trade and Interconnection: 2 Decades of Cooperation. :49p.. (1.82 MB)
