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Sarkkula, Keskinen, Kopenen, Kummu, Richey, Varis.  2009.  Hydropower in the Mekong Region: What Are the Likely Impacts upon Fisheries? Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region. :227-245. (257.28 KB)
Scurrah.  2013.  'Countering Hegemony' and 'Institutional Integration': Two Approaches to Using Tai Baan (villagers') Research for Local Knowledge Advocacy. Governing the Mekong: Engaging the Politics of Knowledge. :27-48.
Shoemaker, Robichaud.  2018.  Dead in the Water: Global Lessons from the World Bank's Model Hydropower Project in Laos. The University of Wisconsin Press.  (161.33 KB)
Simon, Kunstler.  2013.  Balancing the Scales: Using gender impact assessment in hydropower development. Oxfam Australia. :72p..
Simpson, Simon.  2013.  Gender and Hydropower National Policy Assessment: Viet Nam. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (920.78 KB)
Simpson, Simon.  2013.  Gender and Hydropower National Policy Assessment: Lao PDR. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (604.99 KB)
Simpson, Simon.  2013.  Gender and Hydropower National Policy Assessment: Cambodia. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (480.24 KB)
Simpson, Simon.  2013.  Gender Justice in Hydropower Policy and Legislation Review: Synthesis Report. Oxfam Australia. :7p.. (963.47 KB)
Singh.  2009.  World Bank-Directed Development? Negotiating Participation in the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project in Laos Development and Change. 40(3):487-507.
Skinner, Haas.  2014.  Watered Down? A Review of Social and Environmental Safeguards for Large Dam Projects International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). :128p.. (1.42 MB)
Sneddon, Fox.  2006.  Rethinking Transboundary Waters: A Critical Hydropolitics of the Mekong Basin. Political Geography. 25(2):181-202.
Suhardiman, Lebel, Nicol, Wong.  2017.  Power and Politics in Water Governance: Revisiting the Role of Collective Action in the Commons. Water Governance and Collective Action: Multi-scale Challenges. :9-20(12p).
Suhardiman, Giordano, Molle.  2012.  Scalar Disconnect: The Logic of Transboundary Water Governance in the Mekong. Society & Natural Resources. 25(6):572-586.
Suhardiman, Wichelns, Lebel, Sellamuttu.  2014.  Benefit Sharing in Mekong Region Hydropower: Whose Benefits Count? Water Resources and Rural Development. 4(October):3-11.
Suhardiman, Giordano.  2014.  Legal Plurality: An Analysis of Power Interplay in Mekong Hydropower. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104(5):973-988.
Weatherby, Eyler.  2017.  Power Shift: Emerging Trends in the GMS Power Sector. Stimson Center - Letters from the Mekong Series. :56p..
Weeratunge, Joffre, Sellamuttu, Bouahom, Keophoxay.  2016.  Gender and Ethnic Dynamics of Household Decision Making in Hydropower-related Resettlement. CGIAR Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE Briefing Series 7). (November):4p.. (1.71 MB)
Weeratunge, Joffre, Sellamuttu, Bouahom, Keophoxay.  2016.  Gender and Household Decision-Making in a Lao Village: Implications for Livelihoods in Hydropower Development. Gender, Place & Culture. 23(11):1599-1614.
Wells-Dang, Soe, Inthakoun, Tola, Socheat, Nguyen, Chabada, Youttananukorn.  2016.  A Political Economy of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Mekong Region. Water Alternatives. 9(1):33-55. (658.15 KB)
West.  2013.  Corporate Social Responsibility in Mekong Hydropower Development. State of Knowledge Series 3, CPWF. (November):11p.. (512.39 KB)
World_Commission_on_Dams.  2000.  Dams and Development: A New Framework for Decision-Making. 23(November):404p..
WWF, IES.  2016.  Power Sector Vision 2050: Toward 100% Renewable Energy by 2050 - Greater Mekong: Power Vision Overview (Regional Report Part 1). WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature . :68p.. (1.11 MB)
Wyatt B, Baird G.  2007.  Transboundary Impact Assessment in the Sesan River Basin: The Case of the Yali Falls Dam. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 23(3):427-442.
Yeophantong.  2016.  China's Dam Diplomacy in the Mekong Region: Three Game Changers. Water Governance Dynamics in the Mekong Region. :123-146.
