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Rutkow, Crider, Giannini.  2005.  Down River: The Consequences of Vietnam's Sesan River Dams on Life in Cambodia and their Meaning in International Law. NGO Forum on Cambodia. :107p.. (1.21 MB)
Baird.  2011.  The Don Sahong Dam: Potential Impacts on Regional Fish Migrations, Livelihoods, and Human Health. Critical Asian Studies. 43(2):211-235.
Harris.  2016.  Diverted Justice: The Lower Sesan 2 Dam and the Role of Law in Cambodian Hydropower Development. Water Governance Dynamics in the Mekong Region. :91-120.
Bugalski.  2016.  The Demise of Accountability at the World Bank? American University International Law Review. 31(1):1-7. (363.31 KB)
Dore, Lazarus.  2009.  De-marginalizing the Mekong River Commission. Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region. :357-381. (238.99 KB)
Shoemaker, Robichaud.  2018.  Dead in the Water: Global Lessons from the World Bank's Model Hydropower Project in Laos. The University of Wisconsin Press.  (161.33 KB)
Orr, Pittock, Chapagain, Dumaresq.  2012.  Dams on the Mekong River: Lost Fish Protein and the Implications for Land and Water Resources. Global Environmental Change. 22(4):925-932.
World_Commission_on_Dams.  2000.  Dams and Development: A New Framework for Decision-Making. 23(November):404p..
Magee, Kelley.  2009.  Damming the Salween River. Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region. :115-140. (245.26 KB)
IR.  2014.  Dam Standards: A Rights-Based Approach - A Guidebook for Civil Society. International Rivers (IR). (January):90p.. (1.19 MB)
IFC.  2018.  Cumulative Impact Assessment and Management of Renewable Energy Development in the Sekong River Basin, Lao PDR: Final Inception & Scoping Report. :75p.. (1.95 MB)
Scurrah.  2013.  'Countering Hegemony' and 'Institutional Integration': Two Approaches to Using Tai Baan (villagers') Research for Local Knowledge Advocacy. Governing the Mekong: Engaging the Politics of Knowledge. :27-48.
West.  2013.  Corporate Social Responsibility in Mekong Hydropower Development. State of Knowledge Series 3, CPWF. (November):11p.. (512.39 KB)
Boer, Hirsch, Johns, Saul, Scurrah.  2016.  Contesting a River Basin: Civil Society's Legal Strategies. The Mekong: A Social-legal Approach to River Basin Development. :165-186.
Molle, Foran, Käkönen.  2009.  Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance. :426p..
Yeophantong.  2016.  China's Dam Diplomacy in the Mekong Region: Three Game Changers. Water Governance Dynamics in the Mekong Region. :123-146.
Matthews, Motta.  2013.  China’s Influence on Hydropower Development in the Lancang River and Lower Mekong River Basin. State of Knowledge Series 4, CPWF. (July):7p.. (490.79 KB)
Hirsch.  2011.  China and the Cascading Geopolitics of Lower Mekong Dams. The Asia-Pacific Journal. 9(20):1-6. (681.17 KB)
Hirsch.  2010.  The Changing Political Dynamics of Dam Building on the Mekong. Water Alternatives. 3(2):312-323. (431.65 KB)
Suhardiman, Wichelns, Lebel, Sellamuttu.  2014.  Benefit Sharing in Mekong Region Hydropower: Whose Benefits Count? Water Resources and Rural Development. 4(October):3-11.
Lebel, Lebel, Chitmanat, Sriyasak.  2014.  Benefit Sharing from Hydropower Watersheds: Rationales, Practices, and Potential. Water Resources and Rural Development. 4(October):12-28.
IR.  2015.  Benchmarking the Policies and Practices of International Hydropower Companies (Stage 1: Environmental and Social Policies and Practices of Chinese Overseas Hydropower Companies). Part A: Methodology and Analysis. (June):28p.. (1.52 MB)
Simon, Kunstler.  2013.  Balancing the Scales: Using gender impact assessment in hydropower development. Oxfam Australia. :72p..
Boer, Hirsch, Johns, Saul, Scurrah.  2016.  Assessing a River Basin: The Politics of the Technical. The Mekong: A Social-legal Approach to River Basin Development. :114-136.
Middleton, Pritchard.  2016.  Arenas of Water Justice on Transboundary Rivers: A Case Study of the Xayaburi Dam, Laos. Water Governance Dynamics in the Mekong Region. :59-88. (820.76 KB)
